Get Prepared
Step 1—List Your Current Medications
Make a list of your current medications (including dosages) and fill in the remaining information as you go through the other steps.
Step 2—See How Your Medications Are Covered
You can see which of your medications are on the Value-Based Benefits medication list. If your medications aren't on the list, you can see what your costs will be by checking the Medication Lookup tool.
Discuss Your Prescription Options with Your Doctor
If your medications aren't covered or are unavailable at a lower-cost tier, ask your doctor if there's an alternative medication to save you money. The medications on the Value-Based Benefits medication list and the lower-cost tier may be as effective as brand name medications on higher tiers.
Step 3—Begin Using Your Benefits
If your medications are on the Value-Based Benefits medication list, simply begin ordering them via our convenient, low-cost mail order pharmacy. First, you'll need to call your doctor to get a 90-day prescription. Then, download, fill out, and send in the Value-Based Mail Order Form or call the mail order pharmacy at 1-800-698-3757.